Monday, March 21, 2011


Prompt #23- Birthday

Another year,
 Time makes things better.
 It's like a new lifetime
 so send one last letter.

 You, brand new--
Left old you a note.
 "We had good times together."
 Is what new you wrote.

 So celebrate!
 Leave bad things to fate;
Yank good things to you from their lazy resting place.

 Paint a new year
 and use all your creativity to color it.
 There's no holding back life;
 don’t let weltschmerz* smother it.

 That eternal strife.
 We're gonna be ourselves tonight.
 The darkness that we dance in brings light.

 Dance, little girl, dance!
 Everything's in front of you.
 Now is your chance
 to push back what's not true.

Without restraint
comes free fate.
It might be new
But let decisions come later.

Fear doesn't hear laughter
And with love
Laughter comes after.
Make this one day laughterful and fear-free.

Love every moment of 

*weltsmerz: (welt-schmertz) depression caused by comparing the state of the world to an ideal state

1 comment:

  1. Read just the rainbow words once you finish the whole thing.
